
Showing posts from December, 2021

Darts World Cup: Humphries goes down Dobey in the Madhouse

Fourth coronafall at the darts

This year's stock market Mansa

Ubisoft employees resign at a fast pace

Too much Christmas money? Expert gaming

Sold out! Budget Gaming PC 3 Selection for Beginners [December 202]

2021 GOTY Winner 'IT Takes Two' is half price! STEAM Winter Sale's masterpiece is a great deal

Podcast Talk, 4 × 08: Marina González and Jordi de Paco / Podcast Walking, Season 2, Episode 1

Gladbach's sport director Eberl: Glad when 2021 is finally over

Battlefield 2042 was going to have volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis, but they were eliminated in their development

New Lootboxes: Ubisoft

A French union qualifies the NFTs of Ubisoft of useless, expensive and little ecological

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla reveals the expansion of the year 2 of Dawn of Ragnarok

STEAM version Battlefield 2042 Weekend Free Play! Experience the battlefield of 128 people

The settlers: News to the next game for January 2022 announced

Far Cry 6 welcomes Danny Trejo in two free missions

Two trees, three decades until 3Q... Global Transaction Platform Evolutionary Notice

Ubisoft does not understand that she should find nFts well

Two trees, three decades until 3Q... Global Transaction Platform Evolutionary Notice

Focus on sales instead of game fun: NFTs will tighten the problem

Ubisoft: Publisher removes the announcement trailer for NFT platform Ubisoft Quartz from its YouTube

LOL: Twitch Streamer describes his life as a lonely grind

Ubisoft gets full in the sale of NTFS with Quartz and his presentation is filled with dislikes

The management of Ubisoft satisfies the reform rate, the employees less

Hinze wins premiere of the Champions League in railway wheel sports

Hinze winning Champions League for the first time in railway sports

Podcast Talk, 4 × 07: Manuel Usero

Move over, Spider-Man... the Crawler

The new PS5 replenishment in Target ends with victories for many

The popular EA game is now available for free