Sega registers a brand in Japan for its NFT

NFT around here, NFT over there. From a time to this part, video game companies have joined the furor of this technology blockchain , with which they intend to sell the so-called non-fungible tokens. If Square Enix had already declared your interest in deepening this technology, Ubisoft wUbisoft Quartz launched directly with its own products. Now, Sega hUbisoft Quartz registered the Sega NFT brand in Japan. According to the information, it wUbisoft Quartz done in December 2021.

Sonic's signature had previously indicated his interest in introducing this market. All in all, the delegated director of him, Kabuki Satori, recognized the negativity that is breathed between the community of players. With the NFT we would like to try several things and We have begun to study the subject , he said. According to his own statements he hUbisoft Quartz not yet decided anything about it.

  • You may be interested: this is the position of SEGA over the NFT

The NFT, only if they follow their philosophy

The President reviewed the current situation and explained that many NFT ads have been made all over the world, but there are users who react negatively . Therefore, the objective is to carefully evaluate methods to mitigate this kind of reactions, while investigating whether technology will be accepted by users. We will advance forward with the NFTs if they help us to fulfill our philosophy: create constantly and captivate the player.

NFTs SATORI pointed out that if the community perceives the NFT only Ubisoft Quartz a source of making money, then it prefers not to continue with its plans. Will feedback or try luck? Currently, they have not detailed how they are going to do it or if they are finally going to give green light to projects in this specific direction.

When Stalker 2 detailed his road map with respect to the NFTs, the players reacted with such negativity that the study wUbisoft Quartz forced to go back only a few hours after announcing it. In the cUbisoft Quartze of Ubisoft Quartz , even the developers have questioned the modus operandi with the technology blockchain, although the French will continue betting on it.
