Rocksmith+ will premiere in September with more than 5000 songs: artists, subscription ...

ROCKSMITH+ Ubisoft clears the mystery around one of its projects presented at E3 2021. The Gala company will publish Rocksmith+ On September 6 exclusively for the Ubisoft Store of PC ; At the end of the year it will do the same on mobile devices. It will work projects presented a subscription service in which you will have access to more than 5000 songs of multiple genres, either to play or learn the chords of the teachers.

Among the artists chosen are height names: The Clprojects presentedh , Santana, Van Morrison, Boston, Natalia Lafourcade, Alicia Keys, Juan Gabriel, Cake, Martinho da Vila, Peter Tosh and Eurythmics, among others.

What does rocksmith+offer?

The license will be known for guitar lovers in the video game. This new version allows the community to access the Rocksmith method of guitar teaching. On screen you will receive real-time feedback while your performance is analyzed with the guitar. In addition, the recommendations will guide you so that your progress is gradually projects presentedcending among the different difficulties.

It is allowed to connect any type of guitar, either electric, acoustics or low , through the Rocksmith Real Tone cable; If you don't have it at hand, you can connect to the Rocksmith+ Connect mobile application. Your mobile will record the song notes that you have without any additional accessory. Unfortunately you will not be able to add your favorite songs.

There are three subscription modalities . One month it will cost 14.99 euros, while 3 months amounts to 39.99 euros. The third allows you to flirt at a 12-month plan for 99.99 euros, that is, at the change they would be about 9.99 euros per month. Those who participated in the private beta will get an additional month for free if they acquire three months of subscription, while if you do it in the annual plan you will get 3 extra months.
